Monday, February 23, 2009

Are there ghosts on the Earth?


What we think when ghost name appear , just name also making fear ..

This is one of the best question asked from many years...Are there ghosts on the Earth?

We don't know about this too much but there are some places which r said as haunted..

And showing or trying for giving answer that there are ghosts on earth..

Some Places:

1.Catacombs, Paris , France


Long ago, as the city of Paris grew, it became necessary to provide more space for the living. To do so, engineers and planners decided to move the mass of humanity least likely to protest: in this case, the dead. Millions of Parisian dead were quietly disinterred in one of the largest engineering feats in history and their remains were deposited along the walls of the chilly, dank passageways lying beneath the City of Light. They lie there to this day, in the eternal darkness, an Empire of the Dead.

The Paris Catacombs are infamous and much has been written about their history and purpose. A million visitors a year are said to walk the dank corridors and to stare at the bones and gaze fixedly into the empty eye-sockets of the long dead. Many of these same visitors, and some of their guides, have encountered more than just the silence in the catacombs: they have had encounters with ghostly inhabitants that roam the empty passageways and mutely follow the tour groups around.

2.Haunted New Orleans, Louisiana


With 200 years of ghostly legends involving Voodoo curses, Spanish moss draped oak encircled duels, cold-blooded murders, Stories of Revolutionary War Pirates and Civil War soldiers, and Jazz. New Orleans has earned a serious reputation as one of Haunted New Orleans Tours most haunted cities. Locals say that the concentration of extremes leaves the city open to ghosts within the homes and businesses of Central New Orleans.

 3: Sedlec Ossuary, Czech Republic


Henry, the abbot of the Cistercian monastery in Sedlec, was sent to the Holy Land by King Otakar II of Bohemia in 1278. When he returned, he brought with him a small amount of earth he had removed from Golgotha and sprinkled it over the abbey cemetery. The word of this pious act soon spread and the cemetery in Sedlec became a desirable burial site throughout Central Europe. During the Black Death in the mid 14th century, and after the Hussite Wars in the early 15th century, many thousands of people were buried there and the cemetery had to be greatly enlarged.

 4: Underground Vaults, Edinburgh, Scotland.


Far below the busy streets of modern Edinburgh lies a dark, forgotten corner of history. Discovered in the mid-1980’s, the Edinburgh Vaults had been abandoned for nearly two hundred years. Lying beneath the South Bridge, a major Edinburgh passage, the rooms were used as cellars, workshops and even as residences by the businesses that plied their trade on the busy bridge above. Abandoned soon after they were built due to excessive water and moisture, the vaults remain, unaltered, never illuminated by the light of day.

This location is said to be very haunted. Many visitors have been attacked by the unseen and left with bruises, cuts, and scratches. Others have been knocked unconscious and overcome by debilitating nausea and vomiting.

 5: Coliseum, Rome, Italy.


At the height of Rome’s power the Coliseum represented everything that was Imperial to the citizens of Rome. Gladiators would fight to the death here for the amusement of Caesar and the mobs; thousands of prisoners of war and victims of religious persecution met their end in the jaws of lions and tigers in the sandy arena of the Coliseum; and even those animals were decimated, for in its time the Coliseum consumed tens of thousands of animals, some reportedly driven into extinction by the Roman lust for blood and gore.

The workings of the Coliseum, the place where the real grit of life took place, were in the vaults beneath the sandy floor. Now long ago exposed by the ravages of time, there is still a pervasive feeling of awe associated with the lingering presence of a power so mighty it once encompassed the entire known world.


These R the top 5 places which r considered as most haunted places on the earth..

Can we belive that these places r really haunted?We can belive only at instant, when there r proofs & people experiences something..

Some psycholigist says that this is all matter of psychology of our mind, But then also question remain about experiences of people.

According to me,we can't say anything about it upto when we have no proof & no experiences.

Please,share your experiences..


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